Turning conflict into collaboration

Understand how to effectively manage conflict and learn that conflict can be healthy and need not damage relationships.

Course overview

Duration: 1 day (6.5 hours)

Conflict and differences of opinion are inevitable in the today’s fast moving, complex business world, some would argue they are even necessary. This highly interactive and practical course addresses the many aspects of effectively managing conflict and will help you ensure that conflict can be healthy and need not damage the relationship.

This workshop has been specifically designed to give you an opportunity to learn and test a range of influencing and conflict handling models and techniques. The course is aimed at anyone who interacts with others on a regular basis.


By the end of the course you will be able to:

  • Utilise influencing skills to pre-empt and defuse conflict
  • Resolve conflict by choosing the right approach
  • Recognise the impact of non-verbal communication in managing conflict
  • Use language skills necessary to get you message across in the ‘right’ way
  • Present your case in a reasonable and responsible manner
  • Identify behaviours that can help or hinder interactions with others
  • Apply different techniques for managing conflict positively and for dealing with aggression


Developing Influence 
  • Networking
  • Sources of influence
  • Influencing techniques
Effective Behaviour
  • Choosing the right approach
  • Techniques to pre-empt or defuse conflict
  • Behavioural styles and their impact on working relationships
  • Triggers to aggressive behaviour
  • Managing conflict flash points
  • Dealing with different behaviour types
Developing Skills  
  • Communication skills in conflict situations
  • Using the right language
  • Verbal and non verbal communications
  • Managing our body language
  • Your conflict management style analysis
  • Thomas Killman Conflict Handling Instrument
  • Working in groups
  • Practical exercises and case studies
  • The language of mediation
  • Transactional Analysis
  • Practical exercises
  • Case studies
  • Personal action planning

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Public Training Programme

Explore our current selection of public courses, available as convenient and cost-effective virtual sessions.

Engage with expert instructors and a diverse peer group in an interactive, online learning environment.

Ideal for those valuing flexibility and affordability, our public courses are ideal where you only have small numbers requiring training and offer training from the comfort of your home or office.

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